truSculpt® Flex
The edge you need to look your best!
Finesse is proud to offer truSculpt® Flex
A revolutionary non-surgical, muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your skeletal muscles.
With non-invasive Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology, truSculpt flex can generate 54,000 contractions per session, isolate and treat 8 areas simultaneously, and simulate 5 different workouts. You can see visible results with as little as four truSculpt flex treatments.
Fast truSculpt Flex Results
- TruSculpt Flex’s comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to increase an average of 30% muscle mass tailored to your individual needs.
- Because most clients would have 4x treatments, performed from 5 days to a week apart, one can get excellent results in a fairly short time-frame before a holiday or special function.
Unique delivery of direct electrical muscle stimulation to treat specific muscle groups using three treatment mode options. Low levels of energy achieve deep muscle contractions at high intensity via a proprietary handpiece design with truGel.
We were the first in NZ to offer you the body you want, down to the last curve.
Finesse Face and Body Clinic is proud to
now offer TruSculpt® Flex, a personalised
muscle-sculpting treatment that adjusts
to your fitness level, shape, and goals to
strengthen, firm, and tone your body.
“We were first in New Zealand with the truSculpt iD treatment from Cutera, for fat reduction. Now we offer the full truBody solution – with our new TruSculpt Flex,” says Finesse owner Sue Crake.
The Results Speak For Themselves
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I a candidate for truSculpt iD?
Most people can benefit from a TruSculpt® Flex treatment.
Before a procedure, our Body Suite expert, Sue, will spend time with you in a no-obligation free consultation to ascertain your requirements, discuss your goals and create a bespoke treatment plan.
This is tailored to your individual concerns so you achieve the best results possible
What areas does it work on?
truSculpt flex can target a range of areas including:
- Abs
- Arms
- Buttocks
- Calves
- Hamstrings
- Inner/outer thighs
- Quads
What will the treatment feel like?
As the treatment begins, you will feel a gentle contraction sensation. As the intensity is slowly increased, the muscle contraction intensifies. The results are even and consistent.
How Many Treatments Are Needed?
Up to 8 muscle groups can be treated in one 45-minute session.
Remarkable results can be achieved with as little as four sessions, but additional treatments may be required depending on the personalised results you desire.
This will be discussed during your initial consultation. Treatments are performed 5 days to a week apart.
Is There Any Downtime?
TruSculpt® Flex is non-invasive and has no downtime, so you can resume normal activities after each treatment.
Following each session, you may notice a slight tingling in the treated area for up to a few hours and/or slight muscle soreness or tenderness for 24-72 hours.
When Will I See Results?
Results may be visible after the second session, with maximum results usually visible 8-12 weeks after the last session.
TruSculpt Flex is often used in conjunction with TruSculpt iD (permanent fat cell reduction) to get the best results in body contouring.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation
Ready to eliminate stubborn
body fat for good?